Jen Lang: The Brave Fighter

Jen, 35 years old, was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. She told in an interview to NBC News that the knowledge that she only had a short time period to survive motivated her to “focus on life”

These lines written before she left for her heavenly journey by one of her admirers reflect her determination, will to live and the inner beauty she had despite going through all tribulations with valor till her last breath

Can Fight Cancer is publishing these lines as a tribute to this brave lady

Jen Lang

Jen Lang

Another year has gone by am I am happy to be cheerfully alive

So much am I involved in life and so deep do I want to dive

To earn each moment the best of happiness that life could give

Even if I have to be born again in this condition; I would still love to live

For I have realized that though others see me in a bit of pain

They don’t even know what I have found and what is my true gain

In return for the little tribulation that the Mother Divine has written in my share

She has been extremely benevolent, when my life with others I do compare

People who call themselves hale and hearty, perhaps never even thought for while

How important it is to care for others and to bring on someone’s face a smile

For the universal thread of life which runs through every body and each soul

Unless you identify with them, you would remain unfulfilled and not become whole

This is the greatest gift that cancer made me learn so quick

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Life could change upside down, things could transit in a flick

So why to fight and why to cry, just be happy all the ways

Make best use of time, and lead a meaningful life all the days

I live fully each moment in the realization that my soul will finally liberate

No matter a day, a month, a year or decade, whatever I live would be great

This I do not write out of sadness, no, not even the slightest of tinge

For my entire life is hooked to the Divine, do not need any worldly hinge

It’s a beauty and a blessing to see life from this different angle

Without getting involved unnecessarily and without any material entangle

No more am I afraid of cancer for it fought venomously but me it could not defeat

Neither could it touch my core; nor my determination even with attacks repeat

I have tried to make best use of whatever conditions did life me place

I lived each moment with pride, never asking for pity but living with all the grace

I thank the Almighty for the gift of life so beautiful and dynamic all these years

It has helped me to learn so much, and overcome all my ultimate fears

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  • meetunayyar
  • A lawyer by profession, social worker and a fighter against cancer