A risk factor is something that increases the chances of a person to get a certain disease. When we talk about risk factors and causes of cervical cancer, an attempt is being made to identify the risk factors of this particular type of cancer. It is important to remember that having a risk factor does not in any way suggest that a lady will definitely get cervical cancer.
As mentioned above risk factor is a term used to describe the chances of a person getting cancer. There can be two kinds of risk factors – first, those that can be modified and second that cannot be modified. Irrespective of the type of risk factor it is not being suggested that in case a person is at higher risk he will definitely get cancer. It is not easy to determine how much does a risk factor contribute towards the risk of a specific cancer.
Some of the factors that make women vulnerable to cervical cancer are:
- Age: The chances of women under 50 years of age is higher than the other way round. It is not being suggested that once above the age of 50 years the chances of developing cervical cancer will disappear. Regular screening is essential even after this age.
- Race: Just as in the case of other cancers, race plays an important role in cervical cancer also. Though the incidence of women of Asian origin developing cervical cancer is increasing, women of African American origin are considered highly susceptible to this type of cancer.
- Sexual History: Women who become sexually active before 16 years of age are considered to be at a higher risk of cervical cancer. Multiple se partners increases the chances further. This is for the reason that these women are at a higher risk of contracting HPV. The same has been discussed in detail as a separate heading.
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV): Certain types of HPV increase the risk of cervical cancer. HPV is a sexually transmitted disease that can affect both sexes. Certain strains of HPV can lead to women developing cervical cancer. Use of condoms and other methods of birth control cannot prevent contraction of HPV. Abnormal results of a PAP Smear test may indicate presence of HPV.
- Smoking: Smoking tobacco can also increase the chances of developing cervical and other forms of cancer. Smokers are considered to be two times more at a risk of developing cervical cancer.
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): The virus that is known to cause AIDS is also known to increase the chances of cervical cancer. As the immunity system suffers a setback in AIDS, a woman may become more vulnerable to contract HPV.
- Diet: It is important to have a healthy diet. Women who enjoy a diet that is not adequately balanced can pose the risk of cervical cancer. It is important that the diet contain adequate vegetables and fruits so that the necessary levels of vitamins and micronutrients can be maintained in the body.
References: http://www.cancer.gov, http://www.cdc.gov